The last projects we did:Green roof in FrimercatIn the emblematic set of buildings known as the Porches of Xifré one of the roofs is being built largest greens in Barcelona. One of the buildings ... + info Create a natural and fresh space on your roof with gardens, urban gardens and solar panels for the benefit of all. Install a garden on your rooftop or wall of aromatic, culinary, medicinal, or simply ornamental plants such as sedums and grasses. It provides great thermal and acoustic insulation, absorbs pollutants and preserves the waterproof layer, extending its longevity. You could have your vegetable garden in the middle of the city to produce “km 0” food and to enjoy the weather. By using renewable energy you reduce your carbon emissions. Solutions Benefits If you decide to unleash your roof’s full potential, feel free to customise your green roof’s design to include a vegetable garden and/or solar panels! Cobertes verdes El benefici més evident és la millora del benestar donada la satisfacció visual i la reducció de contaminants de l’aire. + Horts urbans El benefici més evident és la millora del benestar donada la satisfacció visual i la reducció de contaminants de l’aire. + Murs verd El benefici més evident és la millora del benestar donada la satisfacció visual i la reducció de contaminants de l’aire. + Plaques solars El benefici més evident és la millora del benestar donada la satisfacció visual i la reducció de contaminants de l’aire. + In efforts to achieve a sustainable future, we repurpose the space on the roofs of our buildings to strengthen our social connections, to improve the quality of the air we breathe, and to reduce carbon emissions. Instagram eixverd View Jan 31 Open 🧤 Manteniments d’hivern ❄️ Aquesta és la coberta verda de Diagonal. Durant la nostra visita per fer tasques de manteniment, la vam trobar així d’espectacular 🤩 🌿 El disseny de la coberta de Diagonal es va fer amb plantes molt ben adaptades al clima Mediterrani. La seva evolució és fantàstica i les plantes s’han adaptat bé a les condicions de restricció de reg i a les condicions ambientals d’aquest hivern 💚 #Eixverd #CobertesVerdesEixverd #MantenimentsEixverd #CobertaVerda #CobertesVerdes #MantenimentCobertesVerdes #Diagonal #AvingudaDiagonal #CobertesVerdesBarcelona #Eixample #TerratViu #CubiertaVerde #CubiertasVerdes #MantenimientoCubiertasVerdes #TechosVerdes #AzoteasVerdes #CubiertasVerdesBarcelona #BarcelonaSostenible #GreenRoofs #GreenTopRoofs #DiagonalAv #BarcelonaGreenRoofs #NaturalBasedSolutions #SustainableCities ... 56 0 eixverd View Jan 12 Open 🌿 La clau de l’èxit d’una coberta verda Cada coberta és diferent i crea un ecosistema únic amb vida pròpia 🎋 👩🌾 Per nosaltres, la clau de l’èxit és fer un manteniment adaptat a la coberta i a l’evolució d’aquesta 🕵️♀️ Necessites manteniment per la teva coberta verda? 🧤 ☎️ Trucan’s #Eixverd #MantenimentsEixverd #CobertaVerda #CobertesVerdes #MantenimentsCobertesVerdes #CobertesVerdesBarcelona #Eixample #CubiertaVerde #CubiertasVerdes #TechosVerdes #MantenimientoCubiertasVerdes #ConstruccióndeCubiertasVerdes #MantenimientoTechosVerdes #CubiertasVerdesBarcelona #GreenRoofs #GreenTopRoofs #GreenRoofsMaintenance #BarcelonaGreenRoofs ... 43 0 eixverd View Dec 31 Open 🌿 Feliç 2024! Deixem enrere un 2023 replet de projectes fabulosos i col·laboracions amb @addgreenproject,#ConstruccionsXavierAlsina, @xavier_alsina, @etposemverda, @alexfenollarjardines, @conscardoner, #PonteArosa, @glaparquitectes, @jusa.nenu, @organikanatura, @eurocatalana, @huertosinthesky, @mataaltastudio, @espaiqbic, #clouworks. També el projecte d’investigació #LIFE: #VerddeProximitat amb #GabrilPerez @UniversitatdeLleida, @SempergreenBV, @tebcooperativa. Gràcies a tot@s! #addgreenproject #mataaltastudio #huertosinthesky #alexfenollarjardines #tebcooperativa #TEBverd #bacsac #Baobabfusters #Betevecat #natgeospana #CobertesVerdesEixverd #CobertesVerdes #TerratsVius #CubiertasVerdesEixverd #CubiertasVerdes #TechosVerdes #AzoteasVivas #GreenRoofs ... 41 2 eixverd View Dec 29 Open 🧤 Interessades i interessats, envieu el vostre CV i una carta de motivació a ... 73 7 eixverd View Dec 28 Open 👷♀️ Estudia re-naturalización de edificios desde tu casa, al mismo precio que una cena con amigos y con certificación. La semana que viene más 😊 @addgreenproject #Eixverd #Addgreenproject #LidiaCalvo #SilvanaAmezquita #CubiertaVerde #CubiertasVerdes #TechosVerdes #CubiertasVerdesBarcelona #SemanaConstrucciónVerde #ConstrucciónVerde #Sostenibilidad #CiudadesSostenibles #BarcelonaSostenible #BeneficiosCubiertasVerdes ... 28 0 eixverd View Dec 22 Open 🧤 Tasques de manteniment de la coberta verda del carrer Pamplona 🌿 Després de la construcció d’aquesta coberta verda durant l’estiu ☀️hem seguit amb el manteniment durant la tardor 🍁 Tot està a punt per passar aquests mesos de més fred ❄️ i iniciar amb força la primavera 🍃 #Eixverd #MantenimentsEixverd #CobertaVerda #CobertesVerdes #MantenimentsCobertesVerdes #CobertesVerdesBarcelona #Eixample #PamplonaBarcelona #CarrerPamplona #cobertaverdapamplona #CubiertaVerdePamplona #CubiertaVerde #CubiertasVerdes #TechosVerdes #MantenimientoCubiertasVerdes #ConstruccióndeCubiertasVerdes #MantenimientoTechosVerdes #CubiertasVerdesBarcelona #GreenRoofs #GreenTopRoofs #GreenRoofsMaintenance #BarcelonaGreenRoofs ... 51 0 This error message is only visible to WordPress admins There has been a problem with your Instagram Feed. Latest projects Interior Patios At Josep TorresThis project was carried out...Interior patios at Josep Torres This project was carried out between February 2021 and February 2022 at Josep Torres Street, in the Gràcia neighborhood in Barcelona. The green roof consists of three interior patios where we used WF40 anti-root sheet, SSM45 blanket, an FD40 drainage layer and an SF geotextile. We also added substrate for grass and garden. These patios have parts of grass and others with bushy plants. We also installed 22 ceramic pots with trees and shrubs on the rooftop. It has a total of 175m² of green space.Contacta'ns Reason of consultation: ProjectMaintenance I accept the privacy policies Garden At El MasnouThis project was done in...Garden at El Masnou This project was done in November 2021. We were in charge of the design, execution and also maintenance. It consists of two terraces in El Masnou where we put cultivation tables with coconut substrate, agricultural plants and an irrigation system.Contacta'ns Reason of consultation: ProjectMaintenance I accept the privacy policies Green Roof At Manuel De Falla StreetThis is another project of...Green Roof at Manuel de Falla Street This is another project of the second competition for green roofs of the Ajuntament de Barcelona. It is Huertos in the Sky's a 240 m2 green roof that was constructed between January and April 2022 with Estudio Mata Alta's collaboration. They were in charge of the design and Eixverd was in charge of the execution and maintenance. It consists of a vegetable garden section and a viewpoint with benches. There is a section of ground cover plants and one of Mediterranean plants. It also consists of a counter with a sink on top of a continuous pavement to facilitate the tasks of the roof. We took advantage of the restauration of the roof to rehabilitate the balustrade of the facade, the vertical facings and the redistribution of telecommunications cables and air conditioning devices.Contacta'ns Reason of consultation: ProjectMaintenance I accept the privacy policies Green Roof At Avinguda DiagonalThis project is the first...Green Roof at Avinguda Diagonal This project is the first roof of the second green roof contest of the Ajuntament de Barcelona. It was done between October and December 2021 at the corner of Avenida Diagonal and Espronceda. Eixverd was in charge of the design, execution and maintenance. It consists of two linked roofs with a green area of 320 m². We used TPO waterproofing, SM45 retention blanket, FD40 drainage layer and an AF300 water retention filter. We made gravel paths and added benches. There is also a pavement area at the exit of the stairs.Contacta'ns Reason of consultation: ProjectMaintenance I accept the privacy policies